Student Achievement Goals

(STC Key Performance Indicators)

South Texas College evaluates student achievement through the South Texas College Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs have been defined across seven focus areas of student achievement: Traditional Enrollment, Dual Enrollment, 15 Semester Credit Hours (SCHs) Dual Credit, Transfer after 15 SCHs, Fall to Fall Persistence, Degree and Certificate Awards, and IPEDS Graduation Rates in order to evaluate success along the entire student pathway. The KPIs are utilized as metrics for measuring progress toward the Mission and Goals of South Texas College.

1. Traditional Enrollment

Growth in Traditional student (non-dual) enrollment. Target: reach 16,402 by Fall 2025.

2. Dual Enrollment

Growth in Dual Credit student enrollment. Target: reach 10,373 by Fall 2024.

3. 15 SCHs Dual Credit

Growth in number of high school students who complete 15 semester credit hours in dual credit or dual enrollment courses. Target: reach 3,697 by FY2024

4. Transfer after 15 SCHs

Growth in number of students who transfer to Texas public four-year universities after completing 15 semester credit hours at STC. Target: reach 2,462 by FY2024

5. Fall-to-Fall Persistence

Increase Fall to Fall persistence for traditional students (non-dual) who did not graduate nor transfer. Target: reach 57% by Fall 2025

6. Degree and Certificate Awards

Growth in total number of degrees and certificates awarded. Target: reach 6,071 by FY2025

7. IPEDS Graduation Rates

Increase percentage of students who graduated within 150% of the program length. Targets: Full-Time First Time in College (FT-FTIC) degree or certificate-seeking students reach 28% and sustain; FT-FTIC Developmental Education (Dev-Ed) students reach 17% and sustain.


If you encounter any issues, have questions about STC SAGs, or need more information, please contact the Research and Analytical Services (RAS) team for assistance.